Winter Fun Continues….

Hey! Hey! Hey! Its been awhile since I just created a post to see how each and every one of you are doing and to share how we are doing? So, how are YOU? How have you been? What have you been up to? Have you done anything exciting? Fun? Adventurous? New? Boring lol?  

Since my last “check in,” our level of activities out of the house have slowed way down. Why do you ask? Well, there are a few reasons

  1. It’s ridiculously cold outside lol  (Its always fun to get my lil firecracker to put on her “big” coat, hat, and gloves. Its not a challenge at all πŸ˜‚)
  2. The kids have basically  been sick off and on all winter 😏 
  3. Trying to avoid getting others sicks or getting them sick all over again (Uggh! Flu season!!) 
  4. And well….umm how do I say this? I am completely self-conscious (but we will get to that later)

BUT we haven’t completely hibernated (which I truly wish was possible). Here’s a quick glance at our adventures out of the house. 

               *Storytime at the library*

She is getting a lot better at sitting on her bottom and paying attention. 😌

           *A few awesome play dates*img_2460

Do you see this awesome diy ball pit!! My best friend is amazing!!! 

                    Mini Zoo Quick Tip 

            (click πŸ‘†πŸΎπŸ‘†πŸΎ to see what that is) 


         *A few trips to Grandma’s House*  

We have visited a lot of family to get out of the house. It is a win-win all around. 

       *A sunset at the National Harbor*  

What a beautiful backdrop for an outdoor adventure. 

            *Sheningans while shopping* 
Sometimes the perks of being a parent is being able to play with awesome toys and no one looks at you weirdly. I know your supposed to avoid the toy section while shopping, but sometimes I make a point to go to the toy section and just play around. 

What have you been doing to stay busy during these winter months? Anything keeping you stuck in the house? 

Well, whats keeping me in this house sometimes is my HAIR! Yes, rather trivial but it still stops me from making a valiant effort to get out of the house. So, whats the big deal….well…. Hair loss! After having my daughter and now with my son, I have experienced hair loss. Not really a big deal but its rather noticeable and I get really self-conscious about it. Yes! I know its all in my head BUT I swear everyone is staring lol. Kind of like when you have a pimple … EVERYONE is looking at it, right? πŸ™ˆ.  With my daughter, when I started to loss my hair, I just cut it real short so it was not that noticeable (plus it was a bright blonde, so that added a great distraction) but now it is very apparent..well to me it is lol tell me what you think?  


But do you see my cute little afro puff in the back 😍. That is the main reason that I do not want to cut it off because it has grown so much. 

Anyhow, have you or someone you know experienced any post partum issues that might not be the best? What did you do? How did you cope? I will just grin and bear it and head out with my head held high because my little ones are wonderful gifts that make any amount of hair loss worth it. πŸ˜β˜ΊοΈπŸ˜ŠπŸ™‚ Until next time….

Please share your thoughts here or on FacebookInstagram, or Twitter
We πŸ’œ hearing from you! 


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  1. Your winter seems fun and so fulfilled! I too have been struggling to come up with activities with my daughter in the cold, especially here in Canada. The best I can do is a stroll to the library. She loves it and it gives the both of a dose of vitamin D! As for postpartum hair loss, I can totally relate with you on that one. I suffered major hair loss and I have thin hair to begin with so I was definitely feeling down. But after a year and a half, it’s back to normal. I made sure not to use too much heat, not think about it too much or put it up in tight ponytails (which was hard, trying to take care of your young with hair all over your face!) Everything always gets better with time! Thank you for sharing your post. It was very enjoyable and made me want to go play in the toy section! Have an amazing day! – – Olivia & Rachel

    1. Winter can be a struggle for little ones. Most are the activities are only at the library (and my daughter gets pretty rowdy lol). Thanks for the advice and support about the hair loss. I will have to find more ways to manage it. Thanks for reading and double thanks for leaving a comment. 😊

  2. Well, since you asked, my winter has been full of a great mixture of days mainly between 75 and 97 degrees topped off with a windy sea breeze β˜€οΈ

    no but really! you’ve done a great job of making winter fun for the kiddos! wish I could join in the fun. even if it means putting on a coat and braving the snow and ice again!

    AND you’re beautiful no matter what your hair says. that’s an AWESOME flat twist too!

    1. I guess I did ask lol. I can only imagine what 75 feels like BUT it will be 60 on Sunday!!! Last Saturday it was 60ish and we went to a garden!!! 😊 Putting on a big jacket is a lot of work lol and I have to put on shoes and SOCKS! Life is hard …just kidding! Thanks for noticing my flat twist and thanks again for reading. 😊

  3. Cute pictures! As for the hair loss thing – get your thyroid checked out. Ask your doctor to test you for a disorder called “hashimoto”. It is not as bad as it sounds – very common in some places and very treatable.

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  5. You shouldn’t be self conscious, from what I see your beautiful! I’m loving the photo of the iron man masks, that is too cute. I hope the kiddo’s can ward off the germs. It seems like you guys are having a lot of fun.