Free Books & Fast Food

Hola! ¿Cómo estás? I am doing rather well.  I am getting better settled into having a dynamic duo at home with me. ☺️. They are rather fun, silly, and exhausting at the same time.  But it is so worth it! Anyhow, I just wanted to share you with a quick tip that I have learned in my short 2.45 parenting years (my lil firecracker will be 2.5 next month, so I think my Math is correct lol).  So, on the rare occassions that I do not have time to make a healthy, organic, delicious meal, I am subjected to fast food. (And don’t be all judgey lol.. Fast food on very rare occassions is not bad parenting… Ish happens lol). But there is a pretty sweet silver lining! I am pretty sure that everyone has noticed but just in case you haven’t, when ordering a Kids Meal, there is an option for children 3 and under. (You just have to ask!) And it’s a BOARD BOOK!  


Now, do not get TOO EXCITED, I have only been successful at getting the toy for a child under 3 a few times (but I ask everytime). I should confess I have an addiction to Wendy’s Jr. Bacon Cheeseburgers and Chick-Fil-A’s lemonade & vanilla milkshakes, so I basically only go there for fast food. With that being said, these establishments are the only locations that I have asked about the toy for smaller children! Also, I have been more successful at Chick-Fil-A than Wendy’s.  



But I think getting a book goes a lot longer then a toy that is usually the current trend. So, I might continue to ask even why little ones are well past 3. I think I am more excited about this than my lil firecracker lol. I must admit that I got really excited when I recieved the Eric Carle book.  I just 💜 his books! (And they are fairly easy to translate in they are an awesome win/win!). Did you know that you could get books? Am I late lol? Are you reading this and laughing “rookie Mom” lol? Its okay, you can let me know! I am still learning!! Well, if you are not laughing, I hope this helps. Take care. 



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