Let’s Make Glittery Slime

Let’s Make Slime!!

So, I have been seeing instructions and recipes on how to make slime all over Pinterest and I eventually gave in! And I had so much fun and my daughter had even more fun! Make sure to hear her reaction at the end of the video! It made my heart smile (and the science geek in me giggle).

For my DIY Glittery Slime, I used these instructions from PBS Kids! NOTE: If you choose to use glitter glue, the slime will not be a smooth as regular glue.  My little firecracker just loved the whole experience and process, so just being able to squeeze it was fun.  The next time we do this, I plan to use regular white glue and add glitter (if I can bring home glitter again lol see why here)!!!


If you have interested in the scientific explanation, this is a great resource! Scroll down to the bottom of the page and there is a wonderful explanation that you can use to describe the chemical reactions to your little ones! 

Well, let’s make some slime!!

  1. Add 4 ounces of glue to a glass bowl.  Our glue bottle was 6 ounces, so we just eye balled it.
  2. Add 12 ounces (1.5 cups) of warm water to glue.
  3. IN ANOTHER BOWL, mix 1 tbsp of borax to 4 ounces (1/2 cup) of water.
  4. Slowly add the borax solution to the glue mixture and kneed!

Just 4 quick steps!! I handled the borax, but my lil 4 year old firecracker was very involved and it was some really good Mother-Daughter bonding time!  Make sure to watch the video til the end to hear here reaction!!! She also said, “Mommy, its squishy like a brain.” It was super cute! Check out our fun below and leave a comment on what you think.  Have you ever made slime? Do you have a better recipe? Its perfect for a Halloween decoration!!

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    1. Glitter makes everything better lol. Do you have a better method that we could try? Thanks for stopping by!


    1. It is a great bonding experience. Let me know how it goes when you try it! Thanks for stopping by.


    1. This should be a lot of fun. I hope they enjoy it. Let me know their reactions and enjoy the sleepover. Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Some kids I knowing talk about anything else but slimes lol! They’re always looking for new tutorials on YouTube.I will share this with them for sure 😉

  2. Funny, I just saw another video on Facebook (or from another blog? now I’m not sure!) about making glittery slime! Except in that one, they were adding it to those empty clear plastic Christmas tree ornament balls and making glittery slime ornaments! I’m going to share your post with my daughter as another project for my 3- and 5-year-old granddaughters to try!