Michael Jordan + STEAM for Kids

I love when I am able to combine various themes and make them educational!!! I especially love combining things that I love and can share with my littles! I love SCIENCE and I am a huge fan of Michael Jordan (and his shoes!)


A couple of weeks ago, I shared this photo on my Instagram account of an awesome book we were reading.  So,  of course, the natural thing is to create some activities to go with it.


With the title being, “Salt in his shoes“, my daughter had lots of questions about salt! My first thought was to do the super obvious thing and put salt in our shoes but I preferred baking soda (for obvious reasons lol). We discussed salt or NaCl and some of its uses (cooking, etc)  But the salt got me thinking all scientifically lol.  And waa-laa!






  • Salt
  • Ice
  • Food Coloring (optional)



Step 1:

Examine your specimens (salt and ice) under the microscope

Toddler science, kids science, geosafari jr

My science-ness is rubbing off because it was her idea to examine the ice!  This got us both really excited 


Step 2:

Put food coloring into your ice container (optional but kids love color!)

Salt and ice experiment


Step 3: Add salt to ice and watch how quickly the ice will melt!!!





Watch this super cute video tutorial to see how I incorporated some sensory and dexterity play for my little guy!


This experiment is so simple and engaging! I explained the salt makes the ice melt quicker!! Water can be in 3 forms, liquid,solid,and a gas.  Salt takes the solid form and makes it a liquid form! But track 17 on Here Comes Science (link below) by They Might Be Giants explains it way better! This song will help even further this lesson!!! We have this cd and dvd set and I just love it. The cd/dvd explains a lot of scientific concepts for kids and the music is really not so bad!

Overall, my lil firecracker had a great time and learned some more science.  Make sure to watch the video above to see how I kept my lil revolutionary guy occupied during our science experiment!


Make sure to tell me how this super simple science goes for you and your littles! And be on the lookout for my post about how I made this SCIENCE ACTIVITY INTO AN ART ACTIVITY!














If you would like to duplicate any or all of this experiment, click the links!!

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    1. Awww! Thank you! My littles really love the book and enjoyed the activity. My daughter keeps asking to put baking soda or salt in her shoes 😂