Disclaimer: We received this book from the publisher for an honest review The newest picture book that we have added to the yellow bookshelf is, WHAT CAN A MESS MAKE by Bee Johnson. It is an artistically illustrated picture book written in verse about all of the “messes” life brings your way. It is a […]

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The Book Who Found His Voice- Book Review

*Note: we were gifted this book from Macmillan Publishers as a part of a blog tour for this book  I’m absolutely thrilled to be part of my very first blog tour! Although I’ve written countless book reviews over the years, this is the first time I’ll be participating in a book blog tour. It’s a […]

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Celebrate Juneteenth + Free Printable

A few years back, I stumbled upon a delightful activity featured by the National Museum for African American History and Culture. It was a creative and engaging project to craft a Juneteenth flag, perfect for kids. My daughter absolutely adores any activity involving cutting, collaging, and using magazines, so this was right up her alley! […]

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This book came in the mail on a warm Friday afternoon in February. Yes, February. In the DMV, during the month of February 60 degree weather is not typical. So, the arrival of this book and the theme of it were definitely on brand, climate change. ANIMAL CLIMATE HEROES is the newest STEM themed book […]

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What are you reading in 2024?

Happy New Year! Feliz Año Nuevo! Let’s leap into 2024 with a smile on our face and a great read in hand. I am starting this year with the New York Times bestseller CHILDREN OF BLOOD AND BONE by Tomi Adeyemi.  I have seen this book on my timeline for years and did not think […]

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MATCH POINT- Graphic Novel Book Review

Racquetball. New Friends. Diversity.  MATCH POINT is a fun, inspirational and unique graphic novel for cheerleaders of good friendship and the sports lover in all of us.  I received this graphic novel from Macmillan Publishers for an honest review of the book. When I got the book in the mail, my daughter was near me […]

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Team Chu Book Review

As my children have been getting older, I have been adding more middle grade reads to my book selections and not just picture books. I received TEAM CHU by Julie C. Dao and published by Square Fish, an imprint of Macmillan, in exchange for an honest review. Normally, when I receive a middle grade book, […]

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The Unwelcome Surprise-Book Review

P’awww! This picture book brings back so many fond memories of when my trill trio were newborns. THE UNWELCOME SURPRISE by @olgachildrensillustrator is the ulti-mutt feel good picture book. It will definitely leave you with a warm and fuzzy feeling. It reminds me of the first moments our beloved dog, Onyx, initially met our babies. […]

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