Spanish Commands Coloring Sheet

Spanish espanol commands coloring sheet

Hola! Felicidades!! Or Hello!


I have created coloring sheets for the letters A-H.  When I started going over letters with my daughter, I didn’t go through all 26 at once.  I broke them down into a few letters at a time.  Most of these commands, I say on a day to day basis, over and over and over again.  Lol.  What I would recommend is saying the command in English and then repeat the command (or phrase, see Parents Guide) in Spanish.


After a while, just say the command in Spanish.  If your child doesn’t remember, don’t stress it! It takes time! Eventually, he or she will get it.  Just as long as you all are having fun!! Learning a few words in Spanish shouldn’t be a stressful thing.  However, I must point out that I am not a Spanish teacher or an expert linguist, I just want to share my Spanish knowledge with you (and maybe you can share a different foreign language with me).  With that being said, for each command, I tried to phonically display how you would pronounce it based on English sounds.  I pray that I do not have you all sounding ridiculous! Also, if there are other daily commands that you want to see or that I may have overlooked, please FEEL FREE to let me know!!! We are here for each other, remember?  So, let’s go find some crayons, a quiet place, and spend a few minutes learning the beautiful language of Español!!

This is the link to the coloring sheets! It is in Google Docs, Let me know if it works!!

Spanish Command Letters A-H Coloring Sheet





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  1. I absolutely love that you do this!! My husband and I actually met at a program we did in Costa Rica; we both love the language and hope to share that love with our kids. This is such a great resource!!

  2. Thank you for reading! Yes, we (well, more husband lol) speak to our little ones in Spanish and try to make it fun! I plan on making a lot more of these activities! Enjoy!

  3. I have always struggled to learn Spanish even though I took it for years in school. It is still on my bucket list to do.
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