For Young Future Herpetologists

For the past few summers, we have traveled to South Carolina for vacation. In 2023, we discovered Alligator Adventure, and it has since become a yearly tradition. My oldest son, my young revolutionary, loves reptiles, so this is the perfect adventure for him. This year, we had the wonderful opportunity to watch them feed the […]

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Our Vision Boards for 2021

If 2020 has taught me anything, it was to try new things, deeply cherish every moment and work towards healthier habits. A new habit I am trying to implement this year is to create a better plan for my blog and business and set goals. I have heard vision boards are a really great tool […]

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The Alphabet & Amazon Box 

Howdy! How are you? I am doing well! Just at home enjoying my toddler and newborn!! (He smells so yummy lol). With my husband home as well, I have some help, which gives me just a tad bit more time to share with you!! 😊 Today I would like to share a toddler “learn through […]

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Mom’s Guide to Grad School 

Yes! I know it has been a loooooong time since I have made a post but my hiatus was for a good reason!!!! I EARNED MY MASTER’S DEGREE! (Doing a happy dance!) I think that is a good reason to take a break from blogging, right? I am so thankful, humbled, and proud that I […]

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Toddler + iPad = No Mess Fun (& Learning)

Well, hello! How is everybody doing? I hope everything is going well. I am really excited about my post today and I really want to share an activity that I created for my daughter while we were just messing around on my iPad  (which she thinks is that can cause some issues lol). This […]

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Winter Fun Continues….

Hey! Hey! Hey! Its been awhile since I just created a post to see how each and every one of you are doing and to share how we are doing? So, how are YOU? How have you been? What have you been up to? Have you done anything exciting? Fun? Adventurous? New? Boring lol?   […]

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Another Quick Decor Tip

So having a new baby brings lots of fun, happiness,joy,sweet coos,and just all around cuteness. And it also brings GIFTS! I 💜 gifts (who doesn’t lol) and baby gifts are amazingly cute,sometimes cuddily, and awesome! However, sometimes the gift is not the best part lol. I sometimes fall in love with the bag the gift […]

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Winter Fun! 

Hey! It has been awhile since I made a post just “checking in” with everybody to see what’s  new….so how is everyone doing?  How are you? How is your holiday season going? I hope it is going well! We have been keeping pretty active even though its Artic weather outside (anything below 70 is Artic […]

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