Tay Goes to Chess Club Book Review

For the past two years I have participated in Multicultural Children’s Book Day (Click here for info!) Part of that celebration includes a Twitter party led by co-founder Mia Wenpig. She asks a series of questions and the community answers. One of her questions this year asked “What area’s of children’s books need more diverse representation?” I responded that Early Reading Books lack diverse characters and then the universe responded !!!

I won a giveaway that featured a diverse character in an Early Reading Series!!! ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿพ


“Tay Goes to Chess Club” is the first in the Tay Book Series written by Phelicia Lang and published by Me On The Page Publishing and is available on Amazon (Click here)

This story is a cute story of Tay going to Chess Club โ™Ÿ and playing a chess match. The book is an excellent book for early readers like my kindergartener who read it to me.

The words are clean and concise. The sentences are short and plain. All of which is perfect for new readers. The words and language used are carefully picked for early readers. Lang uses her expertise acquired from a Masters in Reading Language Arts with a focus on Multicultural Literature and her credentials as a Reading Specialist to craft a very relatable and easy to follow story.

My daughter enjoyed reading this book. She was very proud of herself when she completed the book. She also enjoyed learning a little bit about Chess and is now very curious to learn more about playingโ™Ÿ.

We had a great conversation regarding the illustrations. The illustrations are mixture of drawings and real life. Basically the background scenes are real life depictions with drawings over top of them. We both found this mixed media type of illustrations to be fun and engaging.

I really enjoyed that the book begins with tips on how to help your child read. This part is extremely important because majority of the Early Reading books just give you a reading level and that is it. It is very helpful to have tips as a non-educator to help my child read better. Also, I loved that on the back of the book the reading level is clearly displayed as “E”. Again, this is helpful and is not available on other Early Reading books. My only dislike about the book was I wish there was a page or two about the game of Chess. However, the wording may be too advanced for the reading level so I can understand if it needed to be excluded.

I would highly recommend this book to any parent of an Early Reader. I plan on purchasing the other books in the series. When we finish reading those, we will let you know about those too!

For more information regarding the Tay book series, visit Me On the Page

Thank you for reading!



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