Toddler + iPad = No Mess Fun (& Learning)

Well, hello! How is everybody doing? I hope everything is going well. I am really excited about my post today and I really want to share an activity that I created for my daughter while we were just messing around on my iPad  (which she thinks is that can cause some issues lol). This activity can also be done on “the go” and is mess free!! And who does not like to have a playtime activity that does not end up in a huge mess and requires clean-up time! It is a mess free way of “painting”. (However, it does require a little bit of prep work from Mommy and Daddy! But not TOO MUCH 😊.


1 iPad (or any device that downloads apps)

1 Photo Editor app

1 Photo collage app (optional)


1. Collect pictures of various colors ( I chose red, orange, and yellow)

2. Open photo collage app & insert the three colors (see picture below)

3. Save the picture to your camera roll

4. Open photo editor application and insert picture (make sure your photo editor app has the capabilities to change a picture into grayscale and highlight one section in color)

5. Edit the picture using the “splash” feature


6. This will turn the picture into grayscale

7. Have your little one “finger paint” to reveal the colors

My lil firecracker really loved this and has been asking to do this over and over.  She kept saying “I’m painting” and showing me the tip of her finger.  And the awesome thing is that I can take out my iPad bascially anywhere and this will keep her occupied. I created some more “color pages” and keep them in my camera roll. So, tell me what you think? Will you try this activity? If so, did your little one like it? I hope you enjoyed this!





Let’s discuss kids activities anytime on FacebookTwitterInstagram and Pinterest

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  1. That’s really good. I bet you could do it with shapes or letters too. Maybe make them all gray scale and reveal/guess the letters or #s as she colors. 🙂