Top 5 -ABC Floor Mat

So… I just wanted to share why I think buying an ABC floor mat was one of the greatest purchases I have made for my daughter (and our lovely learning time). Here are 5 quick uses for it (but I know the possibilities are endless). It is an easy tool that can have your little one review their letters without them even realize they are learning!

1. The most obvious uses is as a puzzle. Take all of the letter out and have your little one put them back

2. You can practice motor skills and create chalk letters (while reviewing letters ๐Ÿ˜Š)

3. You can play a matching game.

4. When the letters get a little “dirty,” you can give them a good wash.

5. DIY Letter coloring sheets. Just trace and go.

Or you could have your little one do the tracing. ๐Ÿ˜Š



The letters are awesome for bathtime too! Just wet them a little and it will stick to the tub!!
Can you think of any more way to use these letters? I try to find new and exciting ways to use this little 40 buck investment everyday! And most of the time, she doesnt realize that we are learning. ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š




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