Top 5- Science Themed Books for Girls

stem kidslit representation matters diversity black girl magic childrens books mae jemison katherine johnson ada twist scientist zoey and sassafras goodnight lab little leaders bold women in black history

If you follow my Instagram account, you will notice that I post a lot of pictures of books that we read (and we read a lot!) but I rarely write about the books UNTIL NOW! I really enjoy reading children’s books with my littles and get really excited when we find a book that everyone loves.  Today I want to share some science themed books that my daughter and I love to bond over while reading.  These books are extra special to me during this month because we  are truly represented in all of these books.  So, to find a science themed book with a diversity is AWESOME! 

1. Mae Jemison (You Should Meet)

first black female astronaut nasa black history black girl magic

Mae Jemison (You Should Meet) is the story of the first female African American astronaut, Dr. Mae C. Jemison.  It explains the life and amazing achievements of this pioneering female. Readers also have an opportunity to learn and become a scientist because the book has an experiment that can be completed at home. The illustrations in this book are very vivid and engaging to the reader.  Even though, this book is recommended for children 6-8  my 4 year old daughter loves to read it.  However, we do not read it one sitting, I will read one or two of the chapters at a time.  Dr. Jemison is a true inspiration and fabulous scientist that any child can relate to.

2. Ada Twist, Scientist

stem science girl scientista reading kidlit blackgirlmagic representation matters diversity

Ada Twist, Scientist is the 3rd STEM themed book by author Andrea Beaty.  After we bought Rosie Revere, Engineer we were super excited to learn about this book.  I was so excited that I preordered it (and I am waiting for my pre-order of the activity book to arrive)

Anyhow, this book arrived on my daughter’s first day of preschool in 2016 and we have been reading it none stop. We even tried to get our copy signed at the National Book Festival  that year, but the line was too long.  Anyway, it is a cute little story for an inquisitive child and any budding scientista! To further the reading experience, here is a teaching guide!

3. Katherine Johnson (You Should Meet)

stem book reading kidlit science for girls black girl magic black history african american

Katherine Johnson (You Should Meet) is the biographical story of NASA Mathematician and all around ground breaking individual.  She is most known for her calculations that sent astronaut John Glenn into orbit and changed space exploration.  She not only changed the world of science but she also was one of three students to integrate West Virginia State’s graduate program.   Like the other You Should Read books, the illustrations are vibrant and engaging for children of all ages. There is also additional information at the end of the book to further your little one’s learning experience.

4. Little Leaders, Bold Women In Black History

african american black history american history black girl magic vashti harrison

Yes! I know it says black history, but hear me out.  Little Leaders is more than just a children’s book to read with your littles, it is a resource. It is a book to reference and cherish.  It contains a wealth of information for EVERYONE!  This book shares the story of so many trailblazing and innovation women throughout history.  And of course, many of the women highlighted in this book were scientist or had a science background.  I show a few of these amazing women in the video below.

5. Zoey & Sassafras Book Series

 asia citro black girl magic diversity representation matters diversity kidlit childrens books

The series Zoey & Sassafras is a great science-themed fictional group of books.  Young scientist, Zoey uses her thinking goggles to solve problems she encounters with mythical creatures using experiments and the scientific method.  It is a great book for little scientistas starting to read by themselves and on their own time.  The storylines are captivating, very imaginative, and sprinkled with a dash of science.  At this point, I just read one chapter at a time with my daughter.  She loves these books and the interesting characters Zoey encounters make for some great conversations between us.  It is fun to see her use her imagination.


Goodnight Lab!

stem science childrens book stem for girls black girl magic

So, I added Goodnight Lab as a comedic bonus! Confession– I do not like the book Goodnight Moon.  Something about it weirds me out but we still continue to read it because what child does not like a good rhyme.  Nonetheless, when I saw this book I was very intrigued to see how this parody would go! I absolutely love it! It is a great book to read, especially if you have ever worked in a lab or taken a lab course.

If you would like to take a sneak peak inside the books, make sure to check out this video! 

Are there any other books you would add to this list? What science themed books do you own? If you are interested in purchasing any of the books, just click the links above.  If you wanted to purchase a notebook to compliment your book purchase, click here or any link below!

Thank you for reading!



black girl magic stem kidslit childrens books representation matters diversity

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  1. Thank you for including ADA TWIST, SCIENTIST in your roundup! I love all these titles and am enjoying the Zoey & Sassafrass books with my niece who is an emerging reader.

    Sorry we didn’t get to meet at the National Book Festival. It was just a long line and I am so slow at signing. Sorry but hope to connect in future!
    Thanks again and happy reading!
    Andrea Beaty

    1. Oh my goodness! Thank you so much for reading my post. We really enjoy reading your book and love the additional activities included on your website. We actually own 2 copies. 1 that we read and 1 that we keep in pristine condition.

      I am sure that you will continue to write amazing books so there will plenty of chances for us to get a signed copy. ☺️

      Maya Claros

  2. I love how these books feature girls that my daughter can relate to. Will definitely be looking these books up to get for her!

  3. I love these books! I love that there is such a push in books today to inspire little girls to take more challenging jobs/interests that are typically considered “Mens” jobs.

  4. This is amazing, perfect for the month and I really wish I would have discovered this before Christmas. This would have been a great stocking stuffer, but it’s never too late. I know for sure my daughter and my god-daughter would love these books.

  5. I love reading with my girls too! Now they’re getting so big and reading on their own. These books look wonderful. I always try to find girl role models that look like them and inspire them to things that society may say they can’t or shouldn’t. My girls also love anything that has to do with science and STEM subjects. Great list!

  6. These are so great! I pinned the list. My daughter is still a touch young, but it’s so important to me that she sees all kinds of people serving in STEM roles. Men, women, all races, all nationalities, etc. The future is bright! Thanks for compiling this list.

  7. I think it’s wonderful that parents engage their children in reading as well as diversity. So glad that you enjoy it with your daughter, that makes it so much fun!

  8. This is wonderful list of books. Though I am not much into reading these days but I will certainly suggest these to my friends who will be delighted to have few from your list.

  9. All of my grandkids are into science in a big way. I’m certain they would love each of these books. I’ve been reading to them since they were born and will continue no matter how old they get lol.

  10. These sound so good! When I was little I never had books about science but my seven year old niece is crazy about planets and space at the moment so I will be checking these out – also they are adorable!

  11. It’s lovely that books like these exist to empower women from a young age. They look really great.

  12. These are a great line of books! Science-themed reads are so underrated, people often think kids are gonna get bored at them but the kids here say otherwise. I bet they’ll love these especially the Ada one because they have a friend with the same name. 🙂

  13. That is a great compilation of books. My daughter loves reading and these would be a great addition to her reading books as well as her library. I will check these titles.

  14. My niece is about to start school and although some books might be too early for her but this makes for such a good present.
    I would love for her to inculcate a reading habit early on.

    Thank you for this list.