Welcome back….

Welcome back relaunch




And thank you to each and every one of you for your patience during this transitional period! 😘😘

So, why relaunch my blog? πŸ€”Β 

1. A new, fresh start

  • I started JustMeOMaya.com on July, 31, 2015 to sell my homemade products and share kids activities. Obviously, I succeeded in sharing a lot of kids activities, but shied away from my products. I kept putting it off and doubting myself. Β I even had a giveaway and got an amazing review of my product (read review here), which took me a few weeks to build up the courage to read! πŸ™ˆ It is just overwhelming to put yourself out there, but a part of my relauch is personal growth! So, the biggest change to my site is a shop!

2. To connect and express myself more!

  • I named my blog, JustMeOMaya, as a way to reconnect to me, Maya, not the Mom or Wife or Friend, justme! But I actually havent conveyed that at all. I always say, “I am going to write about this or that” but feel it can be controversial and I don’t want to lose readers, etc… So, in my personal growth aspect of my blogging journey, I have decided to create “Maya Mondays” series. It will be a showcase of the madness that is me. My daily battles, struggles, and accomplishments.Β Β A way to empower me to be my best self! I have even added more pictures of myself. That is a huge step! Check for it in my “About Me” section.

3. To present a better brand

  • Lets be honest, my pictures and graphics were not the best. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I will admit it! So, I wanted to have time to learn new skills and present a better,cleaner,and more professional looking blog. Β I have streamlined my graphics and started to take better photos! An example of my hard work is this picture I took a couple weeks back that was very well received!


4. To earn an income

Blogging can be rather revealing, eye opening, fun, and scary all at the same time. Β At one point, it was causing me stress and a lot of self-doubt. So, I needed time to re-group and get myself together. I felt like I was losing my point and purpose worrying about likes,comments, shares, etc… So, I have reformatted how I will convey some information. For example, I participate in some affiliate programs that will pay me a very small amount if you purchase them. However, I am not the sales pitch type. Not my style. Therefore, I just put them under my shop for you to check out if you are interested. You can email me anytime with questions, but no more post dedicated to selling things. I would love to earn an income, but pushing a “sales pitch” is not me!


5. Refocus on my family

  • My daughter loves looking at my blog, but sometimes it can interfere with our time, which is not fair to my family. Thus, my hiatus helped me reorganize to make things occur without overlapping!



Well, thank you for being patient with my blogging journey!



















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    1. Thank you! It was refreshing to have time to breath and regroup! Thanks for the kind words. Stop by anytime. 😊