Disclaimer: We received this book from the publisher for an honest review

The newest picture book that we have added to the yellow bookshelf is, WHAT CAN A MESS MAKE by Bee Johnson. It is an artistically illustrated picture book written in verse about all of the “messes” life brings your way. It is a reframing of how to view mess and its importance to our everyday life.

WHAT CAN A MESS MAKE look inside

Kitchen clatter.
Milk and juice.
Syrup splatter.
Chocolate mousse.
Bowl of berries—
Red and blue.
A mess can make a meal for two.

This delightful picture book invites us to rethink how we perceive messes. So often, we associate mess with chaos and something negative, but this story challenges that notion, showing how messes can lead to wonderful creations and unforgettable memories. Reading this book together was a joy for our family, and it inspired us to embrace the messes that come our way. In fact, it left me eager to make as many messes as possible with my family because they are often the starting point of something magical.

As I was preparing to take pictures for this post, I noticed my 5-year-old nearby, curiously picking at some dried acrylic paint on our painting mat. My initial reaction was one of frustration—another mess to clean up! But then, I caught myself and decided to let him explore. I stepped back and allowed him the space to let his creativity shine, rather than rushing to tidy up.

Ironically, this particular “mess” ended up being less of a burden than I expected. As he peeled away the hardened paint, I realized I could simply toss it away, saving me from having to wash it off later. What started as a potential mess became a creative moment for him and an unexpected time-saver for me.

If you’re curious to see the mess he made, head over to my Instagram account at JustMeOMaya. Sometimes, letting go and embracing the mess can lead to unexpected joys—both big and small.

Take a peek inside and meet the author in the YouTube below.

Pick up a copy today or order online here

Thank you for reading!



Maya Claros is a Mom of 3, picture book fanatic, Hip Hop loving science geek. She is Mrs. Frizzle with a dope soundtrack, Nike Air Max+ and an aroma of jasmine.

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